The Magical Christmas Train

Pinning a brand identity on "magic."

The Christmas Train is a locally-owned, family-operated piece of California history. Parents and grandparents can take their children on a ride through a storybook about the spirit of Christmas, celebrating the different ways the holidays are recognized around the world.

The Brief

Mendocino Railway is a family of three tourism trains in Northern California. The group offers an annual holiday experience, The Christmas Train. The on-board experience is based on a children’s storybook by a local author, and packs a lot of homespun charm. The company needed a wordmark to create cohesion between each of the three rail lines, illustrating the cozy, homey feel of the experience.

The Result

After a good deal of exploration, the stakeholders and I arrived at a wordmark I call “tied with twine.” The scribbled line work and hand-drawn lettering give the mark that rustic, personal and intimate feeling. Coupled with the precious illustrations that I commissioned with a local artist, The Christmas Train brand promises a comfy, cozy holiday experience that would make Norman Rockwell proud.

The final two marks I presented to the stakeholders for review each emphasized the hand-made or light-and-magic aspects of Christmas, respectively.
Side 1 of the Christmas Train bifold. This was used as a rack card in our own train stations, plus in hotels and visitor centers.