Dr. Seymour Blue’s Lab Grab

Gamifying up-selling and cross-selling efforts


The Brief

Create a game to entertain Thermo Fisher Scientific’s online visitors while promoting private label products.

The Result

This clever little flash game saw well over 12 thousand visitors and generated over $2 million in revenue during its one-month lifespan.

The Project

I led the team tasked with creating this Flash game from scratch, on-time and on-budget. My high-level duties included writing the technical specifications, designing algorithms, and overseeing the development and icon, enemy character, and user interface design; however, I also rolled up my sleeves to design the player-controlled character, based on an existing brand mascot. I thoroughly enjoyed building the flash movie clips triggered by a variety events, including the general walk cycle, a ladder-climbing action, a half-dozen whimsical animations denoting collision with nasty microbial enemy characters, and finally a “death” animation for when your character finally succumbs to the health hazards contaminating the game stage.

Play The Game (requires Flash Player) screen-shot-2016-11-02-at-3-05-59-pm

Credit Due: Level design, enemy (germ) character design, icon design, and user interface by Kevin Emehizer. Server-side development by Jon Reider screen-shot-2016-11-02-at-3-06-42-pm


Seymour catches mononucleosis: the kissing disease
Seymour gets a case of the chicken pox
Seymour catches a nasty cold
Seymour suffers a bout of E. coli
Seymour goes all to pieces with necrotizing fasciitis
Seymour finally succumbs to his many ailments